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4:36 pm
13 May, 2011
Hello, all.
I'm Stephen Feather and I work with Bob Feather (TIBC) building websites and custom mobile applications for small churches. We have been recommending the Sermon-Browser plugin to our clients for the management of their sermons because it is just so easy to implement.
When we started adding the mobile application aspect, we ran into a small problem with the Apple requirements for streaming. We ended up being forced to implement HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) in order to get past the App Store gatekeepers. In Sermon-Browser we added a URL link to the .m38u file the HLS process builds. We added the .m3u8 extension as an allowed extension, and we saw the .m3u8 file appear as an item in the RSS feed. However, this created 2 different RSS entries per sermon. An undesired side effect. Essentially what we desired in our RSS feed was a single sermon that had multiple media entities associated with it. Additionally, the clients were streaming their videos from Vimeo and not as standard .m4v or .mp4 files, so an rss entry for the attached videos were not being created.
We came across; ", "-",strtolower(sb_xml_entity_encode(stripslashes($sermon->preacher))))."-mobile.png";
$speakerimageFILE = $_SERVER{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}."/wp-content/uploads/sermons/images/".str_replace(" ", "-",strtolower(sb_xml_entity_encode(stripslashes($sermon->preacher))))."-mobile.png";
if (file_exists($speakerimageFILE)){
echo "<thumbnail>".$speakerimageURL."</thumbnail>";}
else {
echo "<thumbnail>>;
Or by series:
$seriesimageURL = "; ", "-",strtolower(sb_xml_entity_encode(stripslashes($sermon->series))))."-mobile.png";
$seriesimageFILE = $_SERVER{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}."/wp-content/uploads/sermons/images/".str_replace(" ", "-",strtolower(sb_xml_entity_encode(stripslashes($sermon->series))))."-mobile.png";
if (file_exists($seriesimageFILE)){
echo "<thumbnail>".$seriesimageURL."</thumbnail>";}
else {
echo "<thumbnail>>;
These are very raw first gen hacks for functionality.
- We need to add a user setting to switch between speaker/series thumbnails.
- The speaker image references need to be pulled from the sermon-browser tables for ease of management.
- media:thumbnail needs added
- media:content:medium needs added
XML Output as reference:
<thumbnail>> <itunes:author>Tom Gilliam</itunes:author>
<speaker>Tom Gilliam</speaker>
<enclosure url="http://www.maranathayouthranch....." length="10334403" type="audio/mpeg" />
<pubDate>Fri, 08 Jul 2011 19:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<media:content url='' type="application/pdf" expression="full" /></media:content>
<media:content url='' type="audio/mpeg" expression="full" /></media:content>
<media:content url='' type="application/x-mpegURL" expression="full" /></media:content>';
Comments welcomed.
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