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8:50 pm
2 April, 2013
Hello everyone,
I greatly appreciate the Sermon Browser plugin. It works great for our church.
I received a note a few months back from my webhost ( that they would be forcing everyone to upgrade to PHP 5.4. Today I finally got around to making the switch. Everything on all my websites looks good at first glance, except now the popular sermons widget shows a bunch of errors. The error reads:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /homepages/41/d197534790/htdocs/naknekchurch/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/sermon-browser/sb-includes/frontend.php on line 205
You can see the site live at:
The recent sermons widget appears fine, along with the page dedicated to sermons on the site.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Thanks a bunch!
6:05 am
18 June, 2009
I think that the problem you are running into is that with PHP 5.4 they changed the way error reporting worked. Specifically, with 5.4, E_STRICT became part of E_ALL. Basically, you used to have E_STRICT turned off, and now it is on. The popular sermons widget apparently has some code in it that works, but generates an E_STRICT warning.
The right thing, I suppose, is to change the widget code so it doesn't generate the warning, but I don't have a fix for you at this time. However, the following post shows you three ways that you can turn off E_STRICT in PHP 5.4:
It shows three different ways to change it. You could change php.ini, .htaccess, or the individual PHP script. If you decide to go with the third option, I would try doing it by adding this line somewhere near the top of /wp-content/plugins/sermon-browser/sermon.php:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE);
Please let us know if you get it working or if you have any questions at all.
Ben Miller, Pathways Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Read the new FAQ, last updated 11/21/2013
Announcing version 0.45.12
7:15 am
18 June, 2009
Jim, I think I've got a fix for this. If you'd like to try it out, I'd appreciate it. The change is in "wp-content/plugins/sermon-browser/sb-includes/frontend.php" in function sb_widget_popular( ). About 10 lines into the function, you'll find this line:
(Visit the link to see the line.)
Immediately after that line, add the following new lines:
If you have any questions, or you need step-by-step instructions, let me know.
Ben Miller, Pathways Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Read the new FAQ, last updated 11/21/2013
Announcing version 0.45.12
6:56 pm
2 April, 2013
Hi Ben,
Its been a busy year, and I didn't realize you had responded to my post from May. My apologies. Today I was just starting to try and fix this problem again, and I stumbled upon my post/question accidentally.
After updating to the most recent version of Sermon Browser, I went to try your suggestion, and I noticed that you must have already put this new code into the most recent version. Unfortunately, I am still having the same problem. Its not a big deal, I can just disable the popular sermons widget, but do you have any other ideas that might fix the problem?
Thanks for your help!!
Jim Stamberg
7:07 pm
22 September, 2014
Any more updates on this? I just moved our site from a Windows server, where it worked perfectly, to a Linux server using PHP5.4 where I get the error:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in/home/gracem10/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sermon-browser/sb-includes/frontend.php on line 208
about 20 times before the Popular Sermons finally appear at the bottom. Website is
I would like to get this fixed, as it is the only glitch I can't seem to easily fix!
10:44 pm
22 September, 2014
Looks like this is a declaration problem? I don't know PHP, although I do have a programming background. Anyone got any ideas? Anyone?
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