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7:09 pm
23 February, 2014
Good Morning,
Need some help big time. Using the latest version of Wordpress, Sermon Browser, etc.
Many working properly, for example:
Not working properly:
Type the information in like normal, FTP the file up to normal location, save, and then go view...problem for example:
This one was working properly until I resaved it after editing it. No change in the Attachment URL name, just cut it and replaced it with the same info. My new entries files look like the id=266 above.
See an Earth Globe where the WP player normally appears. File not found when you click on the globe...its URL is:
New entry from yesterday not working:
Earlier in the week I tried using the WP export tool to export the sermon information so I could upload it in a new site.
10:09 pm
23 February, 2014
11:14 pm
5 July, 2013
Try what I did here... I think you have the same problem and your filename is empty after save
11:35 pm
23 February, 2014
Extrafino...from your link, "It seems it is the same problem I (you) already had. I am (you are) using a PHP Version which does not support the function mysql_real_escape_string, everything passing through this function will return without a value. I (you) had to remove 8 occurences in sermon-browser/sb-includes/ajax.php and use $wpdb->prepare to protect from SQL attacks.
So it will now look like this
$ssname = $_POST['ssname'];
After this, everything works again."
Two questions:
1 - Where did you do/put this, "$wpdb->prepare to protect from SQL attacks"?
2 - If the "function mysql_real_escape_string, everything passing through this function will return without a value", why does everything save except the typed in URL?
Thanks for the help!
2:57 pm
5 July, 2013
Regarding your question
If the "function mysql_real_escape_string, everything passing through this function will return without a value", why does everything save except the typed in URL?
Because the programming looks like this: $sname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sname']);
So only the name is put through this function and not the other values, because they require no user input.
Where did you do/put this, "$wpdb->prepare to protect from SQL attacks"?
I removed all occuences of mysql_real_escape_string and used $wpdb->prepare everywhere where data is saved to the database. That means anywhere you find $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO