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7:16 am
7 February, 2014
I've exhausted all my hunting around for an answer and trying to work it out myself, so I'll make a post instead.
I have a couple issues that I would love some help with:
1. For the life of me, I cannot get a podcast image to display in itunes. (Link)
2. Anyone who subscribes to the podcast on an iOS device can listen to the podcast, so long as it isn't downloaded first. If it has been downloaded and attempt to play, you are presented with "Episode Unavailable - The episode is temporarily unavailable from..."
I have taken over control of the website and podcast recently, however I don't have access to the iTunes side of the setup.
Any thoughts?
7:22 pm
3 February, 2014
Hi, I am having the same issue with the podcast on an iOS device - up until this week, all worked just fine. I have updated my sermon browser plug in along with my version of wordpress, and now I have this and a few other issues which I've listed in another thread.
Any ideas?
3:22 am
7 February, 2014
I finally working out the image issue. Was purely due to the fact I was using a CMYK image rather than an RGB. Once I changed (using photoshop) I updated and 12 hours later - the image is now working.
I still haven't been able to work out why the podcast has issues playing on iOS devices... I do wonder if it has anything to do with the way I'm exporting the recording from Garageband as an mp3...?
4:07 am
18 June, 2009
I've seen these podcast issues mentioned on the forum before, with no resolution. See this post for more discussion. If either of you discover something, I'd love to learn about it. I don't have the equipment to troubleshoot this properly.
Ben Miller, Pathways Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Read the new FAQ, last updated 11/21/2013
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6:00 am
15 April, 2012
I've recently gotten a user complaint about this as well. She recently did the iOS7 upgrade. Googling suggests there's a glitch with Apple's Podcast app for iOS, but it's not consistent. This user downloads podcasts with iTunes and then syncs to her iPhone. Some folks are claiming that the iTunes syncing of podcasts is corrupting them on iOS devices, however I watched her download a brand new ep of our podcast using her iPhone and she got the same "temporarily unavailable" error.
I don't think this is a SermonBrowser bug per se, as so many other people are having trouble with podcasts as well. However, I *am* wondering if it might be something in the structure of the feed document that Apple's is having trouble with. There are a bunch of extra iTunes RSS tags… If the feed generated by SermonBrowser is missing an iTunes tag that Apple is fussy about, or is just using one a little bit out-of-spec, that might be breaking an app that isn't very gracious about the feeds it receives. If the iOS has become excessively strict, that might explain why this problem seems to affect some podcasts and not others.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I have no iOS devices so I can't troubleshoot this very well. If anyone reading this has some feeds that they know work on iOS7, we could do some comparisons of the doc structure to see if there's a common factor.
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