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2:32 pm
13 March, 2014
We just implemented a new design to our church's website, which could be the problem. I'm also running on a Mac, which I've heard can cause problems with this plugin. Symptoms:
If you click on "next page", it doesn't show the next page, it just reloads the current page.
If you click on a sermon, it doesn't play the sermon, it just reloads the current page.
If you click on a pastor, it doesn't show sermons by that pastor, it just reloads the current page.
Try it for yourself here -
Please help!
3:01 pm
18 June, 2009
Your site is issuing a "301 Moved Permanently" header whenever you add a GET parameter to the end of your URL (the text after the ? mark is called the GET parameter). For example, if you try to visit your latest sermon, ending in this URL:
It redirects to this address:
It isn't just your Sermons page that is doing this: every page on your site is acting like this. For most of your WordPress pages, that isn't a problem, but for plugins that use GET parameters, like Sermon Browser, it will be a problem.
It is most likely either a plugin or your theme that is causing this problem. If you don't know of a plugin that could be causing this, you can perform this test: write down all the plugins that your currently have activated. Then temporarily deactivate (don't delete, just deactivate) them all except Sermon Browser and see if the problem goes away. If it does, reactivate your plugins, one at a time, until the problem comes back. Then you'll know which plugin is doing it.
If deactivating your plugins doesn't help, it might be some code in your theme that is doing this. Temporarily switch to one of the default themes (such as TwentyTwelve or TwentyThirteen) and see if the problem goes away.
Let us know what you find out from doing this.
Ben Miller, Pathways Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Read the new FAQ, last updated 11/21/2013
Announcing version 0.45.12
3:04 pm
18 June, 2009
One other thing I just realized: because your site is issuing "301 Moved Permanently" messages, your browser might be caching this, and you might still see the problem even after you deactivate the problem plugin. After you deactivate all your plugins, you should delete your browser cache, or use a different browser that you don't normally use, and try your sermons page again.
Ben Miller, Pathways Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Read the new FAQ, last updated 11/21/2013
Announcing version 0.45.12
4:27 am
18 June, 2009
I don't know what you use the 404 Redirected plugin for, but if you turn off some of the options in the "Automated Redirects" section of the 404 Redirected plugin settings, you might get the two plugins to coexist peacefully.
Ben Miller, Pathways Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Read the new FAQ, last updated 11/21/2013
Announcing version 0.45.12
11:57 pm
13 March, 2014
We got rid of it. Now, SB keeps showing "File Not Found" for each sermon. -
5:08 pm
18 June, 2009
Read this post. It directly applies to your situation. After reading it, if you have any questions about it, please let me know here.
Ben Miller, Pathways Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Read the new FAQ, last updated 11/21/2013
Announcing version 0.45.12
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