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3:05 am
2 September, 2012
I just updated my wordpress installation from 3.3.2 to 3.8.1 and now the Play button is missing from my sermons page. I tried updating sermon browser from .45.11 to .45.12 but that made no difference. Fortunately I made the updates in a prototyping site, so my main site is still OK until I get this sorted out. If anyone can help me diagnose the problem, I'd really appreciate it.
Main site: (wp 3.3.2 and sb .45.11)
Test site (wp 3.8.1 and sb .45.12)
I found this discussion Is this possibly related to my problem and the wp upgrade?
Thanks for any help.
5:31 am
2 September, 2012
Update. The problem is now quite different. I changed the MP3 shortcode to the default and now get the mediaelement player bar displayed. However, now I'm seeing a browser-specific problem. The sermons play just fine on Google Chrome on a Mac, IE on Windows, Safari on iPad, and my android phone, but don't play on Safari on a Mac. It appears to be something specific to the Mac Safari browser that is the only remaining problem.
5:54 am
4 February, 2013
Are there spaces in the filename?
Safari doesn't seem to like playing files that have spaces in the name.
The only solution seems to be to remove the spaces from the filename and then update the sermons - pretty tedious. I suppose you could try another audio player plugin, though since WP now comes with one installed, my guess is that developers aren't going to be updating their audio player plugins any more.
4:12 pm
2 September, 2012
Thanks very much, Daniel. I do have spaces in my mp3 filenames and have confirmed that renaming the file fixes this problem. Now, I've run into another issue with this player. It doesn't work with my old Win XP box using IE8. Apparently there's an issue with Flash version 12. So, I'm peeling the onion, one problem at a time!
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