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8:30 pm
8 January, 2014
Okay, I read this thread:
... and the method does work, it targets my specific want (images associated with sermon series), and it's appreciated.
While it may work for one's own site, it's a pretty limited way of doing things. It forces the end user to stick to certain image naming conventions which are not necessarily intuitive. Equally importantly, it simply won't work with certain series names. (E.g. a conference title that has a colon in the title etc)
Wouldn't there be a way to add post_thumbnail support to the post type somehow? I'm at best intermediate with WP functions and don't write PHP at all, but it seems to me that the post_thumbnail/featured image functionality of WP is the way to go with this issue. I just don't know quite know how to implement it. (I think this is how Sermon Manager accomplishes the task, although I haven't dug through its functions.)
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